
Home Appliances

The table below gives you an idea of which appliances in your household are contributing the most to your carbon footprint. Appliance Average Usage Average Use Cost Per Yr kg C02 Per Yr Microwave Oven 96 Times Per Year 0.945 kWh per use $18.37 39 Washing Machine 187 Washes Per Year 2kg load 0.63 kWh…

Light Bulbs

Low energy light bulbs, also known as energy-efficient bulbs, are a simple yet effective way to reduce both your energy consumption and your overall household expenses, including your mortgage. These bulbs use less than 20% of the energy required by conventional light bulbs, making them an environmentally friendly choice. Additionally, they can last up to…


Roof Insulation 25% of the heat generated in your house could be going through the roof! Roof insulation is one of the most cost efficient ways of reducing your heating and cooling bills and is also easy to install. The ideal thickness of roof insulation is about 200mm (8 inches), so if the insulation in…

Grey Water

Not only is water a scarce resource globally- it also takes a huge amounts of energy to move it around – all adding to your carbon footprint. Grey water is the solution. Money goes down the plug-hole Most consumers are very wasteful when it comes to water usage. In Western economies, we take water supply…

Car Travel

What can drivers do to reduce emissions? For local travel consider leaving the car at home and either walk, cycle or use public transport Keep the vehicle properly serviced Check tyre pressures at least once a fortnight Avoid carrying unnecessary weight in the boot Plan the journey, so you don’t get lost and waste fuel…


Throwing things away is a waste of the energy and the resources taken to make the product. Reducing the number of things that need to be thrown away, reduces the amount of materials which have to be quarried and mined. Reduce, Re-use, Repair and Recycle Reduce We should all avoid products with excessive packaging The…

Carbon Offsetting

What is Carbon Offsetting? Each of our everyday actions consumes energy and produces carbon dioxide emissions e.g. taking holiday flights, driving our cars, heating or cooling our homes and offices. Carbon Offsets can be used to compensate for the emissions produced by funding an equivalent carbon dioxide saving somewhere else. Is offsetting the solution to…

What Can You Do To Help

Most emissions from homes are from the fossil fuels burned to generate electricity, heat and cooling. By using energy more efficiently at home, you can reduce your emissions and lower your energy bills by more than 30%. In addition, since agriculture is responsible for about a fifth of the world’s greenhouse gas emissions, you can…